Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Good morning star shine. 

It's 2 am...and I've been doing my usual early morning Pinteresting. For the millionth time, I've thought about doing an organic raw vegan diet. At one point, I thought about doing a fruitarian diet, and I do like some of the principles of it (only eating things that can fall off a plant, etc). I was reading about the fruitarian lifestyle and was amazed to find out Steve Jobs followed it for awhile, hence the name Apple (proud owner of iPhone, iPad, and MacBook, so I'm kinda a fan you could say). I also saw a tidbit how a purely fruitarian diet can mess up your pancreas....put two and two together, Jobs died of pancreatic cancer. SO because of that, I do think it's important to have a balanced diet of both fruits and vegetables as well as plent of water.

I have been dealing with some issues for quite some time and I think getting rid of gluten, processed sugar, dairy, and meat could solve them. I am pretty sure my main issue is dairy and then maybe gluten is secondary. The reason why I want to get rid of meat is because I think I may also have a hormone inbalance (yep, I'm a bit of a hypochondriac...that's not been doctor determined) and tons of animals have hormones injected into them. And finally the reason I want to get rid of processed sugars is because I know they are slowing me down and I can tell it goes straight to my tummy and thighs.

Don't get me wrong: my favorite foods are ice cream, zebra cakes, lasagna, and steak so this isn't a decision I take lightly or something that's going to be easy. But I've been ignoring my body. I think being in tune with your body is such a beautiful thing and I am on the path to become a healthier better me. At 20 years old, I can barely run a mile. How pathetic is that? Something's gotta give. I'm done. 

I am ridding toxins from other aspects of my life, so why not start on my food?
I am going to make big strides to cut out fruit juices, meat, gluten, and processed foods this next coming week and then the next time I go grocery shopping I will fully start and mainly purchase raw fruits and vegetables.

 A quick note: I plan to not use soy based products and to reduce corn. It's important for me to consume non-GMO products and hormone free products. Soy naturally produces hormones and corn is pretty standard at being GMO. Therefore, I will buy coconut milk for my milk substitute, and maybe almond milk every once in awhile (no soy milk). I will do without things such as flour tortillas, but if I have a craving for tortillas I may just pick up sone corn tortillas every once in a blue moon. 

Anywho, lots of info. Just keep me accountable, ok!

Spread sunshine everywhere you go...

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